Who We Are

Hello, I’m Lauren, owner of Tiny Stars Sleep! I live on the west coast of Canada with my husband and two outgoing children.

My passion for sleep began when my son was only four weeks old. Everyone tells you to “sleep when the baby sleeps”, but what if your baby never sleeps? In my state of absolute exhaustion, I dove into research and was shocked by the overload of information I received. Who knew sleep was such a science? After applying the information I found, my son was quickly sleeping better, and I had the energy to be a better, more patient mama. After completing my certification to become a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I have had the opportunity to improve sleep for hundreds of families!! There is nothing I love more than using gentle, CIO-free methods to help families move away from co-sleeping and feed-to-sleep routines, enabling children to learn the invaluable skill of independent sleep.